Monday, January 25, 2010

I am of the opinion that rhetoric accounts for nearly all of the writing that we do. Even that last statement was an example of rhetoric as I attempt to convince you as to its importance. Even pieces that attempt to come across as unbiased and without agenda often are you using that denial as a cloak for their agenda. I propose that one of the most important and fundamental skills of rhetoric is the ability to recognize when it is being used on you through its many disguises.

And that is not a bad thing. If there is one thing that I like to do in life, its debate and attempt to persuade. Even if I find myself in agreement with the person I am talking to, for the sake of sport I will take up the mantle of the counter argument and embrace it as if it were my own. Engaging in an attempt to persuade another and succeeding in that task, is for me, a very satisfying endeavourer.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thoughts on writting

The vast majority of the writing that I do can be broken down into two categories, school and communication. Obviously being a student I have a great deal of writing that must be done for the various assignments and papers required for my studies. When I started thinking about the kinds of writing that I do, the second was kind of surprising to me. It appears to me, that the more that technology increases, the more that I find myself writing. Ten years ago, if I wanted to get in contact with a friend or inform them of something, I had the singular option of the phone. Now, more likely than calling, I find myself texting, sending emails, or Facebook messages and comments. I think it will be interesting to see as technology increases, if we will continue to see this positive correlation with writing, or if it will be replaced by some other medium of communication.